My Career Search and Venture

So far in my career search, whether it be my own computer repair business, 5 different diplomas or post secondary education, including graduating with honours, they have been unsuccessful in landing that coveted career.

My career search began right out of high school, by attending Community College for Television Broadcasting. After being there for a year I realized this was not what I wanted to do and did not continue in that field of study. After taking a few years off, a year of Bible school was my next stop. Upon completing Bible School my Career Search continued. Another Community College was in order for Computer Studies.

career search

After graduating Community College, I started my career search by working in a call center. This was to be a stepping stone to the actual career I want to make for myself. My intentions were to be there 2 years, but that 2 years ended up being 9 years! At the end of that 9 years I was left with nothing! Nothing because the company literally decided to close shop and tell us they were bankrupt. Yet the day before that happened the owner was seen driving around town in a brand new Porsche. There was no severance package no apologies from the owners, not even a goodbye. Basically just a get out of here, and live your life without us.

Prior to that job loss our family was planning a vacation in Florida. The plane tickets we had purchased were discount non-refundable tickets. So we had a choice to make. Do we go to Florida with the money we had saved up or not go and accept the losses. We decided to go and make the best of it.

My Career Search continued

Since that time my career search continued by attending private College for Network Administration. As well as taking an online course to get some computer certifications. The dream of being in a company serving as their Network Administrator was slowly fading away. So I decided to completely change my focus and go back to school. This time it was for an Electrical Engineer in hopes of being an Electrician.

Off to another Community College, this time fast tracking a 2 year program into a year and a half. Graduating with a 3.8 gpa, and Vice President of the Student Council for the Entire Electrical Engineering Program felt great. By being Vice President, several opportunities were experienced. One of those opportunities were to meet people directly in the Electrical field. And with this opportunity this would surely land me a career. I was well on my way to being a great Electrician, especially with my computer background. There was even an Acquaintance of mine that told me after graduating he would have an entry level position waiting for me. After graduation I approached him and He ended up hiring his son to work for him. So, that position no longer existed.My career search continued by applying and searching through many classifieds and job sites. Through this search I discovered that nobody was willing to hire a new graduate. Especially one, that did not already have their 1st year apprenticeship. So here I was again with yet another College Degree and no career to show for it.

Back to what I know

I went back to what I knew, working in a call center as a support representative. During my second stint in a call center, a colleague informed me that there was a good chance for me to get an IT position. Well a year and a half later the company was sold. This time I was atleast given a severance package and walked out. So here I am out of work again, atleast this time I have 6 months pay.

A very good friend of mine had his own painting business that he very graciously offered me a job. After working for him for a year and a half, there were layoffs due to lack of work. He was very gracious to me and gave me extra work whenever it came up.

My Final Straw

During my layoff, my mother had started an online business,that she told me I should have a look at. Upon checking it out, it sounded like a possibility. I have a computer background and have previously built websites, this might be a fit for me. The cost was $87.95 and my new journey with my own Online Shopping Mall began. After investing in this business, I have had the great pleasure of attending the annual convention. This year it was in Dallas Texas. I had the opportunity to meet the owner and founder of RRR247 Rory Ricord. I also met my instructor and mentor. We were able to spend some time together and get to know each other.

career search

Joining RRR247 has been the best decision I have made so far! The potential here is so great, it will take a lot of discipline and focus on building my business to the level that I have always dreamed of having. But, I am finally in a career that I want to be in, I am earning the respect that I have always so desired, and never really had in any other job. I am enjoying my time in this new chapter in my life, trying to work hard and show my family that this is the right decision and I am right where the Lord wants me to be.

Thank-you for taking the time to read about my career story and how I got here today.

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